Dockworkers in Marseille Promise “Total Shutdown” of the Port This Wednesday

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The striking workers are targeting the retirement reform and the development of the port on its western side, in the direction of Fos-sur-Mer. “Le Figaro Marseille”
Are we heading towards a paralysis of the Grand Port Maritime of Marseille-Fos?

“Our demands focus on two axes,” the union representative continues. “The first concerns the non-application of the retirement reform to dockers.

We had a commitment from the then Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, on this point.” CGT has been lamenting the strategy of the Grand Port Maritime of Marseille-Fos for several months, which, according to the union, prioritizes the development of the structure in Marseille at the expense of its western part.

A document outlining the recommendations of the CGT on this issue will be distributed during a press conference this Wednesday morning in front of the sub-prefecture of Istres.

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