45 Grand Prix, new features, exclusive documentaries: what to remember about the new features of Canal +

The occasion for the Formula 1 and MotoGP teams to present this new sports season on television is imminent. After a 2023 season that recorded good audiences, identical to the previous one, the grids of the encrypted channel will speed up to cover motor sports competitions. The expert mode, developed even further for subscribers, will […]

Ataque a la estación de Lyon: detrás de la “locura”, la ultraviolencia

The individual identified as Kassogue S. had come to France with the intention to kill. Described as “half vagabond and half unbalanced,” his victim’s life-threatening condition is still uncertain, as stated by the public prosecutor on Sunday. Medicines found among his personal belongings, along with a hospital appointment ticket from Turin, where he had previously […]

The Figaro Letter of February 5, 2024

Le Figaro Des pistes pour la natalité, les malheurs anglais d’EDF, ces Français qui veulent assurer leur sécurité, les «grognards» de Macron, le dossier Jack l’Éventreur. Chers abonnés, Comment relancer la natalité? Votre journal a fait un point sur les leviers à disposition du président pour son “réarmement démographique”. Emmanuel Macron devra aussi prendre soin […]